neuere Publikationen / recent papers:
Hartmann,E. (2001): Gn-continuous connections between normal ringed
Comp. Aided Geom. Design 18, 751-770
Hartmann,E. (2001): Implicit Gn-blending of Vertices.
Comp. Aided Geom. Design 18, 267-285
Hartmann,E. (2001): The Normalform of a Space Curve and its Application
to Surface Design.
The Visual Computer 17, 445-456 (abstract)
Hartmann,E. (2001): Parametric Gn-blending Curves and Surfaces.
The Visual Computer 17, 1-13
Hartmann,E. (2000): Gn-blending with Rolling Ball Contact Curves.
Poceedings of "Geometric Modeling and Processing 2000", Hong Kong,
April 2000, IEEE, 385-389.
Hartmann,E. (2000): Numerical Parameterization of Curves and Surfaces.
Comp. Aided Geom. Des. 17, 251-266 (abstract)
Hartmann,E. (1999): On the Curvature of Curves and Surfaces Defined
by Normalforms.
Comp. Aided Geom. Des. 16, 355-376 (abstract)
Hartmann,E. (1998): A Marching Method for the Triangulation of Surfaces.
The Visual Computer 14, 95-108. (abstract)(full
Hartmann,E. (1998): The Normalform of a Planar Curve and its Application
to Curve Design.
in Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces II, M. Daehlen, T.
Lyche, L. Schumaker eds., Vanderbild Univ. Press, Nashville.
Hartmann,E. (1998): Numerical Implicitization for Intersection and -continuous
Blending of surfaces.
Comp. Aided Geom. Des. 15, 377-397. (abstract)
Hartmann,E. (1996): -interpolation
and blending on surfaces.
The Visual Computer 12, 181-192. (abstract)