$G^n$-blending with Rolling Ball Contact Curves

Erich Hartmann
Darmstadt University of Technology
Dept. of Mathematics
Schlossgartenstrasse 7, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany


A blending method for surfaces is introduced which produces pencils of parametrically defined blending surfaces which have $G^n$-continuous contact to the base surfaces along curves determined by a rolling ball of constant or variable radius. The performance is numerical.

Figure 1: $G^2$-blending with a) constant b) variable radius rolling ball contact curves
\begin{figure}\centerline{a) \epsfxsize=7cm \epsffile{parblzyzyrb1.eps}\hspace{1cm}
b) \epsfxsize=7cm \epsffile{parblflrbvr2.eps}}\end{figure}

Erich Hartmann 2000-04-19