July 20, 2008
(Quotations from Evans' original text in
Hehl has entirely failed to understand the basis and by now well known and accepted mathematical advances made in ECE theory {1-12}. . . .
When the tetrad describes spin motion of spactime (Appendix 5) unaffected by curving of spacetime the homogeneous current of ECE theory vanishes:
ja = A(o)/μo (RabÙqb − ωabÙTb) = 0. (8.1)
It has been shown in Appendix J of ref.(1) that this condition implies:
ωab = −½κ Îabcqc . (8.2)
The spin connection becomes dual to the tetrad through a wave number. Furthermore, the Riemann form becomes dual to the torsion form through the same wave-number:
Rab = −½κ ÎabcTc . (8.3)
This is a fundamental mathematical advance of ECE theory. The ECE duality equations
define a hitherto unknown rotational part of the Riemann form . . .
In conventional
the tensor Îabc used in eqs.(8.2-3) does not
exist in four-dimensional tensor calculus [2].
[1] M.W. Evans, Appendix 8: Mathematical advances made by ECE theory,
[2] G.W. Bruhn, Evans' ''3-index, totally antisymmetric unit tensor'',
[3] G.W. Bruhn, M.W. Evans' New Math in Full Action,
Apparently the math progress described here belongs completely
to NEW MATH [3].
Part of the web-paper #89 p.43 ff.