Last update: 18.08.2007
see also
Evans' "3-index, totally antisymmetric unit tensor"
(Comments in blue, quotes in black)
The terms "first and second Evans duality equations" firstly appear at [1, p.138] and
were not explained before. While Hodge duality in 4D is defined by means of the well-known
Levi-Civita Îabcd tensor with four indices [4, p.16] [4a, p.24]
Evans defines his own different 4D "duality" by means of a 4D
"totally anti-symmetric third rank unit tensor"
Îabc. However, in spite of his busy efforts in
[1, Chap.1 and App. A] he fails in defining such a tensor: As will be pointed out below,
the "Evans Îabc tensor" given by the
definition [1, entry #25 of Table 1 on p.186] does not exist in the 4D case.
This shortcoming makes a lot of Evans' considerations in [1] useless as
will be listed below. In addition some other errors and fatal conclusions will be noticed.
The monita listed below apply also to some Evans articles that appeared in FoPL during the past years.
p.138, also [7]
In the condensed notation of differential geometry the first and second Maurer-Cartan structure relations are, respectively:
Ta = D Ù qa, (7.1)
Rab = D Ù wab, (7.2)
where Rab is the Riemann form and Ta the torsion form. The first and second Bianchi identities are the homogeneous field equations of unified field/matter theory and are, respectively:
D Ù Ta := 0, (Typo? Read: ... = Rab Ù qb) (7.3)
D Ù Rab := 0. (7.4)
The first and second Evans duality equations state that there exist the Hodge duality relations
Rab = Îabc Tc (7.5)
wab = Îabc qc (7.6)
where Îabc is the appropriate Levi-Civita
symbol in the well defined [4,5] orthonormal space of the tetrad.
It must be imposed that in contrast to Evans' remark this "Evans duality" is clearly distinct
from the well-known Hodge duality
which is defined by means of the 4 index Î tensor,
while Evans has postulated the existence of an appropriate 3 index Î
tensor for that purpose.
However, a third rank tensor Îabc cannot be defined in the 4D case. In spite of a somewhat misleading remark in [4, p.20]:
"Meanwhile, the three-dimensional Levi-Civita tensor
is defined just as the four-dimensional one, although with one fewer index."
But the indices are running over 1,2,3 only (3D case). Evans has extended the 3D existence of third rank
Î tensors inadmissibly to four dimensions.
The entry #25 in [1, Table 1 on p.186] says
= 1 if (a,b,c) even /
= −1 if (a,b,c) odd /
= 0 otherwise
That is NO DEFINITION in 4D, because (a,b,c) is no permutation of (0,1,2,3)
and hence the attributes
"odd" and "even" do not apply.
We could find only two spots in his book [1] where the third rank
Î tensor
is used correctly, that is entry #89 in Table 1 on p.190, and
Eq.(18.52) on p.338, both 3D cases.
The following example
cBk = − ½ Îijk Gij ,
Ek = − G0k,
shows Evans' problems of handling tensor algebra correctly:
(We neglect the formally incorrect position of some indices.) The tensor Gij
transforms covariantly in 4D. The indices of Gij
are running over 0,1,2,3 while the indices of Îijk
are restricted to 1,2,3. So Eq. (2.103) is correct only if we restrict all indices to the values
1,2,3. It is no correct equation in 4D. On the other hand, we have to apply 4D tensor algebra, and that doesn't fit together.
The main topic of that chapter, the "Evans Lemma", is wrong
due to one of Evans' numerous flaws of thinking as was shown in [11].
Therefore it might appear superfluous to mention other errors of his. However, the
error type of "Evans duality" is remarkable since it appears at several spots of his book [1]
as listed below.
And perhaps he will respond in his unsurpassable manner as he once did replying to an email of mine
that had passed his blockade by chance:
. . .
where all quantities are generally covariant.
The tensor Îijk does not belong to 4D tensor algebra,
and thus, all equations of 4D tensor algebra containing the 3D
Î-tensor become dubious automatically.
A preliminary remark to the some of the following entries that refer to shortcomings in [1, Chap.9] and [9]:
Well Gerhard you always say that any calculation is wrong. So if you say . . . is wrong you are simply behaving in the same old way. This is very boring. You have no credibility and so I request you not to send me any further absurd e mail, or any e mail. ... If you go on like this you will certainly get a haircut in the Tower. ... ... So why don't you do something useful and resign? British Civil List scientist.
p.173, also [9]
The antisymmetric metric is defined in general by the wedge product of tetrads:
= qaμ Ù qbν ,
The definition of c = c(a,b) is missing. Probably (cf the remarks on p.480 (D.13) below) Evans assumes the "definition" by
qcμν(A) =
Îcab qaμ
which is invalid due to the non-existence of
The invalidity of Eq.(9.9) means that no "antisymmetric metric"
with covariant transformation behavior can be defined by Evans' method.
Thus, no "antisymmetric metric" is defined.
p.177, also [9]
When one self-consistently includes the torsion tensor, electromagnetism becomes a theory of general relativity defined essentially by the wedge product of tetrads
Tc = R qa Ù
The definition of c = c(a,b) is missing. Probably Evans assumes the "definition" by
Tc =
R Îcab qa
which is invalid due to the non-existence of
Due to several reasons:
Thus, no relation of that kind between torsion T and the
"antisymmetric metric" (9.9) can exist.
(i) No "appropriate third rank Î-tensor" exists in 4D.
(ii) No "antisymmetric metric" (9.9) exists.
(iii) No quantity R (as asserted by the wrong "Evans Lemma") exists.
and by the Evans lemma and wave equation. The same theory [3-7] also describes gravitation, and the inter-relation between gravitation and electromagnetism. It can be seen from Eq. (9.34) that the torsion is a vector valued two form of differential geometry [2]. The fact that it is vector valued means that the internal index c must have more than one (???) component, and this means that electromagnetism cannot be a U(1) gauge field theory.
p.181, also [9]
− R qcμν(A) = kT qaμ
Ù qbν ,
The definition of c = c(a,b) is missing. Probably Evans assumes the "definition" by
− R qcμν(A) = kT
qaμ Ù qbν
which is invalid due to the non-existence of
Besides, Eq.(9.58) is only the "index contracted Einstein equation"
R = −kT multiplied by the invalid definition of the "antisymmetric metric"
p.182, also [9]
The gauge invariant electromagnetic field is then
Ga = D Ù Aa
= g Ab Ù Ac,
The definition of a = a(b,c) is missing. Probably Evans assumes the "definition" by
Ga = D Ù Aa
= g
Ab Ù Ac,
With that relation (9.62) Evans attempts to establish a connection between the electro-magnetic field tensor
G and geometry, namely referring to his "antisymmetric metric"
(the definition of which has failed as we saw above by the invalidity of Eq.(9.9)):
His axiom is
the proportionality of the electromagnetic potential 1-form A to the tetrad 1-form qa.
A ~ qa
Since the 1-form qa is vector-valued, this assumption leads to the consequence
of the 1-form A being vector-valued as well. Hence the em field tensor G must be vector-valued
also, which means that instead of one electromagnetic field (E,B) the experimentalists
should be confronted with four fields (Ea,Ba)
(a=0,1,2,3) at once, this effect already observable under the conditions of free spacetime.
Here Evans' restriction of a = 1,2,3 must be remarked, since his method, his O(3)
symmetry hypothesis, his "third rank" Î-tensor, does not admit
the fourth index a=0.
Anyway, as we have seen above, Evans proposal fails due to formal reasons, and so there is no
reason of getting upset. No experimentalist will need new measurement equipment
due to Evans' findings:
Evans' Eq. (9.62) doesn't transform covariantly in 4D.
p.182, also [9]
. . . the cyclically symmetric equation of differential geometry
D Ù qa = κ
qb Ù qc , R = κ²,
The definition of a = a(b,c) is missing. Probably Evans assumes the "definition" by
D Ù qa =
qb Ù qc
which generalizes the B cyclic theorem of O(3) electrodynamics [8-12].
As was proven in two different ways [12] [13] the "B cyclic theorem of O(3) electrodynamics"
does not behave covariantly under Lorentz transforms. Here we see that also the generalization
to a general theory is impossible.
D Ù Ta = 0
(Typo? Read:
... =
Rab Ù qb)
. . .
Poincaré lemma
Such a Poincaré lemma doesn't exist. Eq.(9.68) is true only in flat spacetime [11].
D Ù D = 0
p.183, also [9]
In the development of the Evans field theory, novel and important
duality relations of differential geometry have been discovered (9.1)
between the torsion (T) and Riemann forms (R)
As remarked above there are no "Evans duality" relations since being introduced by a non-existing
third rank Î tensor in 4D. In addition,
there is a serious confusion of notation: In Sect. 9.1 (p.172) the term T denotes the
"index contracted energy momentum tensor" while here (at p.183) T means the torsion.
Later on (Chap.18) Evans denotes the torsion by τ,
but without correcting the just mentioned error.
and (9.2) between the spin connection (ω) and tetrad (q). These are fundamental to differential geometry, to topology, and to generally covariant physics. They are proven from the fact that the tangent space is an orthonormal Euclidean space, so in this space there exists the relation [2-7] between any axial vector Va and its dual antisymmetric tensor Vκ:
Va = Îabc Vbc,
Typo: Read it as Va = Îabc Vbc
to be at least formally correct. However, Vbc cannot denote the Hodge dual of Va
which must have 3 indices in 4D. So Eq.(9.73) is dubious at all.
where Îabc is the Levi Civita symbol
or three-dimensional totally antisymmetric unit tensor (see Table 1).
The entry #25 of Table 1 on p.186 does not apply for 4D.
Raising one index gives
= ηcd Îdbc
(Typo: Read it
= ηad Îdbc; but
Îdbc undefined)
where ηad = diag(−1, 1, 1, 1) is the metric of the orthonormal space. The first Evans duality equation of differential geometry is
Rab = κ
Îabc Tc,
(???: Îabc undefined.
Factor κ? Compare with Eq.(7.5) quoted above)
showing that the spin connection (another confusion! meant is the torsion T; see the introductory remarks on the top of this page) is dual to the Riemann form, and the second Evans duality equation of differential geometry is
= κ Îabc qc
(???: Îabc undefined.
Factor κ? Compare with Eq.(7.6) quoted above)
showing that the spin connection is dual to the tetrad. The duality equations define the symmetry of the Riemann form because they imply
Rab = R Îabcd qc Ù qd, (9.77)
Of course, dubious as well: Evans combines here Eq. (9.34') (with lowered index a)
with Eq.(9.75) to obtain
Rab = κ R Îabc
qd Ù qe,
and assuming the "rule" Îabc
= Îabde
we get Eq.(9.77) with exception of the superfluous factor κ. So κ must be
removed: No problem for Dr Evans: Use Eq.(7.5) instead of Eq.(9.75),
and now everything is fine: Complete confusion!
p.330 f.
. . . from which the unified field theory is developed are as follows:
D Ù Va := d Ù Va + wab Ù Vb (18.2)
D qa = 0 (18.3)
tc = D Ù qc (18.4)
Rab = D Ù qab. (18.5)
These equations define the fundamental properties of any non-Euclidean spacetime with both curvature and torsion in terms of differential forms. Eqs. (18.4) and (18.5) are the first and second Maurer Cartan structure relations [2], defining respectively the torsion (tc) and Riemann or curvature (Rab) forms in terms of the tetrad and spin connection respectively. These four equations are inter-connected in free space by the recently inferred (WHERE?) and fundamental first and second Evans duality equations of differential geometry [3]–[17]:
wab = −κ Îabc qc (18.6) (???: Îabc undefined)
Rab = −κ Îabc τc (18.7) (???: Îabc undefined)
where κ is the wave number.
The novel Evans duality equations were inferred in
free space from the fact that the torsion and Riemann forms are both antisymmetric
in their base manifold indices μ and ν, so that one must be the
dual of the other in the orthonormal space of the tetrad [2]
That's no sufficient argument!
Rabμν = −κ Îabc τcμν (18.8) (???: Îabc undefined)
Îabc = ηda Îdbc. (18.9) (a typo: Meant is Îabc = ... but this tensor is undefined in 4D.)
Here Îabc is the Levi Civita symbol (totally anti-symmetric third rank unit tensor) and where ηda is the metric in this orthonormal (orthogonal and normalized [2]) space. The torsion form, a vector valued two form with index c, is therefore dual to the curvature or Riemann form, a tensor valued two form anti-symmetric in its a, b indices [2].
Ab = − g Ab Ù (Ac + g Îcde + g² Îcfgh AfAgAh + . . . ) (17.53) (also formally incorrect)
p.334 (18.26)
p.335 (18.27-28)
p.346 (19.9)
p.347 (19.10)
p.401 (23.20)
p.438 (26.24)
p.449 f.
A particular solution of Eq.(27.27) is:
ωab = − κ Îabc Ù qc (27.28)
where Îabc is the Levi-Civita tensor in the flat tangent bundle spacetime.Being a flat spacetime, Latin indices can be raised and lowered in contravariant covariant notation and so we may rewrite Eq.(27.28) as:
ωab = κ Îabc Ù qc (27.29)
1) Duality: τc = Îacb Rcb(A)
gc(A) is the antisymmetric part of qab(A):
gc(A) = ½ Îabc qab(A) (D.13)
Typo? Formally incorrect. Read it as
gc(A) = ½ Îabc qab(A) (D.13')
However, no third rank LC-symbols exist in 4D, cf the above remarks on entry 25 of [1, Table 1 at p.186].
p.488 (F.10-11)
p.490 (F.32)
p.497 (G.23-24)
p.498 (G.26-29)
p.501 (H.7)
p.511 (J.6-7)
Proof For a=1: . . .
The indices b=0 and c=0 occur at summation: What is e.g.
And what about a=0???
The free space condition means that:
ωab =
− κ Îabc qc
Rab =
− κ Îabc Tc
1. M.W. Evans, GCUFT, Arima 2005
4. S. M. Carroll, Lecture Notes on General Relativity (University of California,
4a. S. M. Carroll, Spacetime and Geometry,
Addison Wesley 2004.
Santa Barbara, graduate course on arXiv:gr-qe / 9712019 v1 3 Dec, 1997).
5. R. M. Wald, General Relativity (Chicago University Press, 1984).
7. M.W. Evans, Unification Of Gravitational And Strong Nuklear Fields, FoPL 17
p.267 ff.
9. M.W. Evans, The Evans Lemma Of Differential Geometry, FoPL 17
p.433 ff.
10. G.W. Bruhn,
A Fatal Error in M.W. Evans' EVANS Lemma
11. G.W. Bruhn,
Some further confusion in Evans' "Cartan geometry"
12. G.W. Bruhn,
No Lorentz property of M W Evans' O(3)-symmetry law, Phys. Scr. 74 (2006) 537–538
13. G.W. Bruhn, No Lorentz Invariance of M.W. Evans' O(3)-Symmetry Law,