The Myron Evans University (MEU) − a Flop

On February 25, 2008 Myron W. Evans announced the launching of a new university in Wales, the Myron Evans University (MWU).

Evans announces the staff:

1) I am the President elect.
2) Prof. Stephen Crothers, Vice President elect.
3) Prof. Karel Jelinek, ECE Theory and RFR development.
4) Prof. Kerry Pendergast, astronomy.
5) Prof. Gari Owen, chemical physics with emphasis on the IFE and OAB.
6) Prof. Jeremy Dunning-Davies, professor emeritus.
7) Prof. Franklin Amador, electrical engineering.

They all agreed. NOT so the Welsh Government.

The Government issued:

“The UK has a well-deserved reputation worldwide for providing high quality and reputable higher education. To continue this success, for an organisation to offer a degree qualification it must have been granted powers by either Royal Charter, Act of Parliament or the Privy Council. It is an offence in the UK for any organisation to offer a degree qualification without these powers.”

“The Welsh Assembly Government is not aware of any application by Professor Evans to the Privy Council to apply for degree-awarding powers or university title.”

More from the WESTERN MAIL:

And this is the WITHDRAWAL.

An official announcement: My Wales The official weblog of Welsh life, culture and customs:

Education. Le Professeur Myron Evans a annoncé vouloir lancer cet été sa propre Université au Nord de Swansea. Il prétend pouvoir compter sur le soutien financier d’un mécène américain intéressé par sa 'united field theory', pourtant loin de faire l’unanimité dans la communauté scientifique. Le gouvernement gallois a dores et déjà annoncé qu’il ne reconnaîtrait pas les diplômes délivrés par la future Myron Evans University.