March 21, 2009
Evans on his blog:
. . . After a two hour telephone discussion with Horst about this proof we agreed
that it leads to the important discovery that the connection in Riemannian geometry
must be anti-symmetric. This means that all of twentieth century gravitational physics
is obsolete, and must be revised. In ECE theory we . . .
Unbelievable ignorants. − And Dr. Evans, after having defined a ''new''
metric tensor gνμ
in his
papernote 128/3 by
gνμ = gναgαμ
does not realize the fact gνμ =
δνμ. He asks his co-expert Dr. Horst Eckardt to make a computer check:
I would like to ask Horst Eckardt whether he is interested in becoming a co-author
of paper 128 and evaluating eq. (40) of note 128(3) by computer for some metrics of the standard model.
Eq.(40) is
which is trivial due to gκν = δκν. However, that's not the end of the comedy. He continues:
This is a very fundamental result, valid for any Riemann spacetime in any dimension.
Computer tests
Test whether solutions of the Einstein field equation obey
Such are the experts who are going to found a completely NEW PHYSICS.