(Quotations from Evans' papers are displayed in
With the introduction to his paper #100 . Evans announces a review of major themes of his ECE theory. We should continue reviewing paper #100 with its section 4. However, this section is a subset of Evans' more detailed paper 56 [1g]. Therefore we shall comment here on this paper finding a further collection of older elementary flaws of that "theory".
We read on p.35 of Evans' paper 56 [1g]:
. . . This error in the standard model can be illustrated for example by the error in Eq.(3.105) of a standard model textbook such as ref. [16] (L.H. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge UP). The task is to evaluate:
Δδ = ∫ Ñ X · dr = ∫S Ñ×ÑX := 0 (2.72)
As we have seen, Eq.(2.72) must be the correct result by the Stokes Theorem. The function X in the example we are considering here (Eq.3.105 of ref. [16]) is
X = ½ BR² θ (2.73)
where B is magnetic flux density, R is a radius and θ is a cylindrical polar coordinate. The cylindrical polar coordinates are related [17] to the Cartesian coordinates by:
θ = tan−1 y/x, r = (x² + y²)½ , x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ (2.74)
as is well known. The left hand side of Eq.(2.72) is evaluated between θ = 0 and θ = 2π. Therefore:
x = r cos 2π = r, y = r sin 2π = 0, x = r cos 0 = r, y = r sin 0 = 0 (2.75)
and the integral is:
Δδ = ∫rr ∂/∂x (tan−1 y/x) dx + ∫rr ∂/∂y (tan−1 y/x) dy = 0 (Errors #1 and #2) (2.76)
This is the correct result as given by the Stokes Theorem (2.72). However, in ref. [16] it is incorrectly asserted that:
∫ Ñ X · dr =? [X]θ=02π ≠ 0 (2.77)
The correct way to evaluate Eq. (2.77) is:
∫θ=02π Ñ X · dr = ∫xx Ñ X · dr = 0 (Error #3) (2.78)
x = r cos θ, r = (x² + y²)½ (2.79)
if θ = 2π, r = x, if θ = 0, r = x (2.80)
The whole of the argument on the AB effect in ref. [16] is therefore incorrect
following the occurrence of this error, both mathematically and physically. The
magnetic AB effect is not due to multiply connected spaces in special relativity.
It is due to general relativity as we have argued. Thus ECE theory is preferred
to the standard model, philosophically, mathematically and experimentally.
That was an awful example of Evans' New Math, again far away from
all Math that is taught to the freshmen at the universities. We give a short
reasoning for the errors committed by the author:
(Errors #1 and #2):
We comment here on Error #1, Error #2 is analogue: In traditional Math we have no rule of the type
∫ab ∂/∂x f dx =
f(b) − f(a).
The correct rule Evans had in mind is the fundamental theorem of calculus:
with an essential distinction: The differential operator must be the "total" operator d/dx,
not the operator of partial differentiation ∂/∂x.
(Error #3): The author should take advice from
n-dimensional Calculus of the "Line integral", e.g. in [7, Chap.5]. We have the rule:
valid without further comments only for one-valued functions.
Evans, however, applies this rule incorrectly to a function that is
not one-valued:
The function f = ½ BR² θ changes its value when the origin O is
surrounded once in anti-clockwise sense by the value ½ BR² 2π = BR² π
≠ 0 (if B≠0).
The above mentioned errors show that Dr. Evans has some shortcomings
in his knowledge of Calculus that could be removed by studying a textbook like
Vector Analysis in Schaum's Outlines Series [7, p.82 ff.]. Then he possibly
would not attempt in future to attack prestigious scientists by using wrong arguments.
On p.31 of [1g] Evans introduces the "three index, totally antisymmetric unit tensor
Îabc" in four dimensions by means of Eq. (2.51).
However, in tensor analysis it is well-known that such a tensor cannot be defined.
The definition (2.51) does not behave covariantly under coordinate transforms.
Therefore the conclusions from Eq.(2.52) to Eq.(2.66) are irrelevant as
based on a wrong assumption. For more information the reader is kindly requested
to have a look at [8] and [9].
It is possible to trace back Evans' "three index, totally antisymmetric unit tensor
Îabc" to an erroneous interpretation
of his standard textbook, S.M. Carroll's Lecture Notes [2]. On [2, p.20] Carroll is going
to rewrite the Maxwell equations.
∫ab d/dx f dx =
f(b) − f(a)
Ñf · dr =
f(b) − f(a) .
2. The 3-index Î-tensor in four dimensions
Îijk ∂jBk −
∂0Ei = 4π Ji
. . .
Îijk ∂jEk −
∂0Bi = 0
. . .
. . . Meanwhile, the three-dimensional Levi-Civita tensor Îijk is defined just as the four-dimensional one, although with one fewer index.
Fij = Îijk Bk .
In his book [3, p.29] S.M. Carroll adds the hint:
(normalized so that
Î123 =
Î123 = 1)
i.e. no index 0 occurs. And, in addition, the attentive reader (not Dr. Evans) of Carroll's note
will have remarked that Latin indices are used in the eqs. (1.74) and (1.75) while elsewhere
Greek indices appear.
What is the meaning of this tiny distinction?
There is one: On [2, p.3-4] S.M. Carroll defines:
. . . Greek ... indices running from 0 to 3, with 0 generally denoting the time . . .
. . . Latin ... indices to stand for the space components alone . . .
This tiny distinction was overlooked by Dr. Evans and lead him to the erroneous
introduction of a "three index, totally antisymmetric unit tensor
Îabc". As a consequence Evans has
introduced "tensors" in his "covariant" theory which don't transform
covariantly under (local) Lorentz transforms: The "tensors" Bi, Ei
are no four-dimensional tensors. They are parts of the four-dimensional tensors
Fμν and Fμν respectively and transform as such under
(local) Lorentz transforms.
[1.1] M.W. Evans, A Review of Einstein-Cartan-Evans (ECE) Field Theory
(Introduction of Paper #100),
[1.2] M.W. Evans, Geometrical Principles (Section 2 of Paper #100:
[1.3] M.W. Evans, The Field (Section 3 of Paper #100:
[1.4] M.W. Evans, Aharonov Bohm and Phase Effects in ECE Theory (Section 4 of Paper #100:
[1.5] M.W. Evans, Tensor and Vector Laws of Classical Dynamics and Electrodynamics
(Section 5 of Paper #100)
[1.6] M.W. Evans, Spin Connection Resonance (Section 6 of Paper #100)
[1a] M.W. Evans, Development of the Einstein Hilbert Field Equation . . .,
[1b] M.W. Evans, Proof of the Hodge Dual Relation,
[1c] M.W. Evans, Some Proofs of the Lemma,
[1d] M.W. Evans, Geodesics and the Aharonov Bohm Effects in ECE Theory,
[2] S.M. Carroll, Lecture Notes on General Relativity,
[3] S.M. Carroll, Spacetime and Geometry,
[4] F.W. Hehl and Y.N. Obukhov, Foundations of Classical Electrodynamics,
Birkhäuser 2003
[5] G.W. Bruhn, Consequences of Evans' Torsion Hypothesis,
[6] G.W. Bruhn, Remarks on Evans' paper #100 - Section 2,
[7] M.R. Spiegel, Vector Analysis,
[8] G.W. Bruhn, Evans' "3-index Î-tensor"
[9] G.W. Bruhn, Comments on Evans' Duality,
[10] G.W. Bruhn, F.W. Hehl, A. Jadczyk , Comments on ``Spin Connection Resonance
[11] G.W. Bruhn,
Remarks on Evans/Eckardt’sWeb-Note on Coulomb Resonance,,
An Editorial Note by G. 't Hooft in Found. Phys.
Remarks on Evans' Web Note #100-Section 7: The Sagnac Effect
Remarks on Evans' Web Note #100-Section 6: SCR
Remarks on Evans' Web Note #100-Section 5: EM field
Remarks on Evans' Web Note #100-Section 4: The Aharonov Bohm effect
Remarks on Evans' Web Note #100-Section 3: Field and Wave equation
Remarks on Evans' Web Note #100-Section 2: Torsion and Bianchi identity
Remarks on Evans' Web Note #103
Myron now completely confused
Evans' Central Claim in his Paper #100
How Dr. Evans refutes the whole EH Theory
http://www.atomicprecision.com/blog/2007/12/27/introduction-to-paper-100/wp-filez/a100thpaperintroduction.pdf .
A Review of Einstein-Cartan-Evans (ECE) Field Theory,
http://www.atomicprecision.com/blog/wp-filez/a100thpapersection2.pdf .
A Review of Einstein-Cartan-Evans (ECE) Field Theory,
http://www.atomicprecision.com/blog/wp-filez/a100thpapersection3.pdf .
A Review of Einstein-Cartan-Evans (ECE) Field Theory,
http://www.atomicprecision.com/blog/wp-filez/a100thpapersection4.pdf .
http://www.atomicprecision.com/blog/wp-filez/a100thpapersection5.pdf .
http://www.atomicprecision.com/blog/wp-filez/a100thpapersection6.pdf .
http://www.aias.us/documents/uft/a103rdpaper.pdf .
http://www.atomicprecision.com/blog/wp-filez/a100thpapernotes16.pdf .
http://www.atomicprecision.com/blog/wp-filez/acheckpriortocoding5.pdf .
http://www.aias.us/documents/uft/a56thpaper.pdf .
http://xxx.lanl.gov/PS_cache/gr-qc/pdf/9712/9712019v1.pdf, 1997.
http://xxx.lanl.gov/PS_cache/gr-qc/pdf/9712/9712019v1.pdf, 1997.
ECEcontradictions.html .
onMwesPaper100-2.html .
in Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill.
Evans3indEtensor.html .
EvansDuality.html .
in Gravitational General Relativity''
, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B Vol. 39/1 (2008)
pdf .
RemarkEvans61.html .