neuere Publikationen / recent papers:
Hartmann,E. (1996): -interpolation
and blending on surfaces.
The Visual Computer 12, 181-192. (abstract)
Hartmann,E. (1998): Numerical Implicitization for Intersection and -continuous
Blending of surfaces.
Comp. Aided Geom. Des. 15, 377-397. (abstract)
Hartmann,E. (1998): The Normalform of a Planar Curve and its Application
to Curve Design.
in Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces II, M. Daehlen, T.
Lyche, L. Schumaker eds., Vanderbild Univ. Press, Nashville. (abstract)
(full text)
Hartmann,E. (1998): A Marching Method for the Triangulation of Surfaces.
The Visual Computer 14, 95-108. (abstract)(full text)
Hartmann,E. (1999): On the Curvature of Curves and Surfaces Defined
by Normalforms.
Comp. Aided Geom. Des. 16, 355-376
Hartmann,E. (2000): Numerical Parameterization of Curves and Surfaces.
Comp. Aided Geom. Des. 17, 251-266
Hartmann,E. (2000): Parametric Gn-blending Curves and Surfaces.
appears in The Visual Computer
Hartmann,E. (2000): Gn-blending with Rolling Ball Contact Curves.
Poceedings of "Geometric Modeling and Processing 2000", Hong Kong,
April 2000, IEEE, 385-389.
(full text)
Hartmann,E. (2000): The Normalform of a Space Curve and its Application to Surface Design.