Klaus Keimel

Editorial Work

Communicating editor for the following Journals:

Semigroup Forum (1976-1995)
Order (1984-2002 and 2007 - 2014)
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (since 1992).

Member of the Editorial Board of the Kluwer book series Semantic Structures in Computation.

Co-editor of Universal Algebra and its Links with Logic, Combinatorics, and Computer Science, Heldermann Verlag, Berlin, 1983.

Coeditor of the Proceedings of the Workshop PROCOPE, 8-10 Novembre 1990, Paris. Prépublications No 33, Equipe de Logique Mathématique, Université Paris VII, 1992.

Co-editor of Proceedings of the International Workshop Logic, Domains and Programming Languages, Special Issue of Math. Structures in Computer Science, vol. 7 (1997), pages 399-618.

Co-editor of the Proceedings of the Workshop COMPROX III, Special Issue of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 13, 1998.

Co-editor of the Proceedings of the Computer Science session of the Conference on Modern Algebra and its Applications, Vanderbilt University, 1997. Special Issue of Theoretical Computer Science,no. 1, vol. 249 (2000), 240pp.

Co-editor of: Domains and Processes. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Domain Theory, Shanghai, 1999. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001.

Co-editor of the Proceedings of the Combined Workshop Domains VIII, Novosibirsk , 2007. Special Issue of the Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (2009).

Co-editor of the Proceedings of the Workshop Domains IX, Brighton, 2008. Special Issue of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 20 (2010).

Co-editor of the Proceedings of the Workshop Domains X, Swansea, 2011. Special Issue of Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 84(1) (2015).

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