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Conferences 1999
These are some interesting conferences and workshops happening in 1999 in loose order. The list is by no means complete and reflects my personal interests.
Crystallographic Groups and their Generalizations II
, 26-28 May 1999.
Groups and Computation
, 15-19 June 1999.
Symposium on Computation in Group Theory and Geometry
, 9-17 July 1999.
Symbolic Algebra and Analysis
, 18-28 July 1999.
Workshop Domains V
23-26 September 1999, Darmstadt University of Technology.
Celebrating Bernhard Neumann
, Canberra, 15-16 October 1999.
Conference on Group Theory and Computation
Sydney, 29 November - 3 December.
Nikolaus-Conferenz 1999
Aachen, 3 - 4 December.