My research interests are in polyhedral geometry, computational methods,
and its connections with various other fields like (algebraic) combinatorics,
algebraic geometry and convex optimization.
In particular I work on questions about lattice polytopes, their structure and
classifications of subfamilies. For more see my preprints and slides of some talks.
My publications according to
ORCID, and
Existence of regular unimodular triangulations --- Positive Results (joint with Christian Haase, Lindsay Piechnik, Francisco Santos)Preprint, FU Berlin, June 2021, 96 pagesAppeared in: Memoirs of the AMS,
270 (2021), no. 1321,
96 pages (3)
Smooth Polytopes with negative Ehrhart Coefficients (joint with Federico Castillo, Fu Liu, Benjamin Nill)Preprint, TU Darmstadt, November 2018, 16 pagesto appear in: Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A (4)
polyDB - A database for polytopes and related objects Preprint, TU Darmstadt, November 2017, 14 pagesAppeared in: Algorithmic and experimental methods in algebra, geometry, and number theory , Proceedings,
Gebhard Böckle, Wolfram Decker and Gunter Malle (eds.), Springer 2017, pp. 533 - 547 (5)
Toric Geometry in Polymake (joint with Lars Kastner, Benjamin Lorenz, Anna-Lena Winz)Preprint, TU Darmstadt, June 2017, 4 pagesAppeared in: ACM Communications in Computer Algebra,
51 (2017), no. 3,
pp. 92 - 94 (6)
Computing convex hulls and counting integer points with polymake (joint with Benjamin Assarf, Ewgenij Gawrilow, Katrin Herr, Michael Joswig, Benjamin Lorenz, Thomas Rehn)Preprint, TU Darmstadt, August 2014, 31 pagesAppeared in: Mathematical Programming Computation,
9 (2017), no. 1,
pp. 1 - 38 (7)
Finiteness of the polyhedral Q-codegree spectrum Preprint, TU Darmstadt, January 2013, 9 pagesAppeared in: Proc. AMS,
143 (2015), no. 11,
pp. 4863--4873 (8)
Finitely many smooth d-polytopes with n lattice points (joint with Tristram Bogart, Christian Haase, Milena Hering, Benjamin Lorenz, Benjamin Nill, Günter Rote, Francisco Santos, Hal Schenck)Preprint, FU Berlin, October 2010, 24 pagesAppeared in: Israel J. Mathematics,
143 (2015), no. 11,
pp. 4863 - 4873 (9)
Faces of Birkhoff Polytopes Preprint, TU Darmstadt, April 2013, 29 pagesAppeared in: Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
22 (2015), pp. #P1.67 (10)
Smooth Fano Polytopes with Many Vertices (joint with Benjamin Assarf, Michael Joswig)Preprint, TU Darmstadt, September 2014, 36 pagesAppeared in: Discrete and Computational Geometry,
52 (2014), no. 2,
pp. 153 - 194 (11)
On the equality case in Ehrhart's volume conjecture (joint with Benjamin Nill)Preprint, TU Darmstadt, May 2012, 6 pagesAppeared in: Advances in Geometry,
14 (2014), no. 4,
pp. 579 - 586 (14)
Examples of non-symmetric Kähler-Einstein toric Fano manifolds associated to reflexiv polytopes (joint with Benjamin Nill)Preprint, FU Berlin, May 2009, 7 pagesAppeared in: Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie,
2 (2011), no. 2,
pp. 297 - 304 (16)
On Fanos and Chimneys (joint with Christian Haase)Preprint, FU Berlin, September 2007, 3 pagesAppeared in: Oberwolfach Reports,
Report 39/2007 (2007), pp. 2303 - 2306 (18)
Quadratic Gröbner Bases for Smooth 3x3 Transportation Polytopes (joint with Christian Haase)Preprint, FU Berlin, June 2011, 6 pagesAppeared in: Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics,
30 (2009), no. 4,
pp. 477 - 489 (19)
Constructions for 4-Polytopes and the Cone of Flag Vectors (joint with Axel Werner)Preprint, FU Berlin, November 2005, 20 pagesAppeared in: Contemporary Mathematics,
423 (2006), pp. 283 - 303 (20)
New polytopes from products Preprint, TU Berlin, December 2005, 23 pagesAppeared in: Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A,
113 (2006), pp. 1396 - 1418 (22)
The Et-construction for lattices, spheres, and polytopes (joint with Günter M. Ziegler)Preprint, TU Berlin, April 2003, 21 pagesAppeared in: Discrete and Computational Geometry,
32 (2004), no. 4,
pp. 601 - 621
Defect Polytopes and Counter-Examples With polymake (joint with Michael Joswig)Preprint, TU Darmstadt, May 2011, 4 pagesAppeared in: ACM Communications in Computer Algebra,
45 (2011), no. 3/4,
pp. 177-179 (25)
Generating Smooth Lattice Polytopes (joint with Christian Haase, Benjamin Lorenz)Preprint, FU Berlin, July 2010, 4 pagesAppeared in: Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Mathematical Software 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
6327 (2010), pp. 315 - 328 (26)
polymake and Lattice Polytopes (joint with Michael Joswig, Benjamin Lorenz)Preprint, FU Berlin, February 2009, 4 pagesAppeared in: DMTCS Proceedings of FPSAC 2009,
AK (2009), pp. 491 - 502
Lattices in Optimization
TU Darmstadt, August 2022, 233 pages
Programmieren in C
TU Darmstadt, February 2021, 302 pages
Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics
TU Darmstadt, August 2020, 133 pages
Polyhedral Geometry and Linear Optimization
FU Berlin, July 2010, 131 pages
FU Berlin, August 2007, 79 pages
Constructions for Posets, Lattices, and Polytopes
TU Berlin, May 2005, 208 pages
Geodätische Flüsse und Starrheit auf Flächen
Universität Bonn, September 2001, 132 pages
The Selberg Trace Formula and Determinants of the Laplacian
University of Cambridge (GB), June 1999, 80 pages