You can also find me on github.
I am a developer and maintainer for the software system polymake working on
methods for lattice polyhedra and toric geometry, classifications and databases
I am the maintainer of span class="program-name">polymake on MacOS.
- We have a homebrew formula of polymake at github .
- We have MacOS app bundles that you can just drag to Applications
I develop and maintain polyDB, a database for combinatorial and polyhedral objects. It is based on MongoDB with a REST interface and a connection to polymake.
Extensions for polymake
I have written various extensions for polymake that you can find on github.
- Polyhedral Adjunction is an extension for some methods for polyhedral adjunction theory, see [DiRocco, Haase, Nill, Paffenholz: Polhedral Adjaunction Theory, arxiv:1105.2415].
- NTL wrapper makes the LLL methond from NTL available in polymake.
- defect_polytopes: This extensions offers the computations used in [Joswig, Paffenholz: Defect Polytopes and Counter-Examples with polymake, arxiv:1105.5027].