Members of my group

Alexander Dalinger (PhD student, IRTG 1592)

Johannes Ehlert (PhD Student)

Benjamin Lees (Humboldt Research Fellow)

Stephane Le Roux (PostDoc)

Helge Schäfer (PhD Student, Telekom-Stiftung)

Lorenzo Taggi (PostDoc, DFG)

Sebastian Zaigler (PhD Student, IRTG 1529)

Former members of my group

Michael Allman,  (PhD Student at Warwick, now at d-fine)

Benjamin Goddard,  (PostDoc at Warwick, now Edinburgh)

Stefan Walter,  (PhD Student at Darmstadt, now at Finbridge)

Other people I had the pleasure to work with

Domenico Castrigiano,  Munich

Steffen Dereich,  Münster

Vassili Gelfreich, Warwick

Martin Hairer, Warwick

Fumio Hiroshima, Fukuoka

Alain Joye, Grenoble

Jozsef Lörinczi, Loughborough

Uwe Manthe , Theoretical Chemistry, Bielefeld

Robert Minlos, Moscow

Peter Mörters, Cologne

Herbert Spohn, Munich

Stefan Teufel, Tübingen

Florian Theil, Warwick

Daniel Ueltschi,  Warwick

Yvan Velenik,  Geneva

Other links

Apart from doing mathematics, I am also a baritone singer.
If you like, you can have a look at my music homepage.