Morse Matching Example
We provide an example of a so-called Morse matching on a simplicial complex formed by the letters "BAT". See the description below for details. The visualization is performed by JavaView. "BAT" stands for "Berliner Algorithmen Tag" ("Berlin Algorithm Day"). I presented this example in my talk for the 32nd BAT (in German).
Improve the drawing by pressing "Shift-z" ...
  • drag to rotate
  • press "w" to auto-rotate ("q" to stop)
  • press "s" and drag to scale
  • press "t" and drag to translate
  • press mouse-right to show menu

  • Description

    The above applet visualizes a so-called Morse Matching on the simplicial complex of the three letters "BAT" using JavaView [5].

    The simplicial complex consists of the collection of triangles, edges, and vertices you see in the picture. The elements of the simplicial complex are called faces. The Morse Matching is a matching of vertices to edges and edges to triangles such that each element of the complex is matched with at most one other element. Furthermore there is no directed cycle in the pictures, i.e., when you follow the arrows you cannot come back to the face you started from.

    Morse matchings capture the main structure of discrete Morse Functions which were introduced by Robin Forman in 1998 [2]. The concept of Morse matchings was introduced by Manoj Chari [1]. For more details on computing Morse matchings with as few critical faces as possible see reference [4].

    In the example, the faces which are not matched are called critical and are shown in red. (Unfortunately the critical vertices cannot be visualized with the current JavaView version.)

    For more information see the following references.

    1. Manoj K. Chari, On discrete Morse functions and combinatorial decompositions
      Discrete Math. 217 (2000), No. 1-3, pp. 101-113.
    2. Robin Forman, Morse Theory for Cell-Complexes
      Advances in Math. 134 (1998), pp. 90-145.
    3. Robin Forman, Combinatorial Differential Topology and Geometry
      New Perspectives in Geometric Combinatorics, L. Billera et al. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ. 38, 177-206 (1999).
    4. Michael Joswig and Marc E. Pfetsch, Computing Optimal Morse Matchings
      SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20, no. 11 (2006), 11-25
    5. Konrad Polthier et al. JavaView

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    Marc Pfetsch updated: 07/20/2004