Prof. Dr. Marc Pfetsch
Research Group Optimization
Department of Mathematics
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dolivostr. 15
64293 Darmstadt
How to find us
(+49) 06151 / 16-23440
(+49) 06151 / 16-23445
S4|10 144
pfetsch (at)
Office hour: Mondays 16-18 h.
Mrs. Drechsel
(+49) 06151 / 16-23444
S4|10 138
drechsel (at)
Diese Seite ist auch auf
Office hours: Mondays 16-18 h. The office hours on March 3, March 10, March 17, and March 24 do not take place.
November 2024: Release of
SCIP Optimization Suite
Video on SFB Transregio 154 Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization using the example of gas networks
Video zu SFB Transregio 154: Why pursue a doctoral degree in applied mathematics?
February 2024: Release of
SCIP-SDP 4.3.0
: Framework for mixed-integer SDPs with SCIP. Current state at
Publications and Activities
Short CV
Area Editor of
Operations Research Letters
(since 01/2019)
Associate Editor of
Mathematical Programming Computation
(from 12/2015)
Associate Editor of
INFORMS Journal on Computing
(from 11/2016)
Associate Editor of
Operations Research Letters
Winter term 2024/25:
Einführung in die Optimierung
Optimiization in Transport and Traffic
bachelor- and master seminar
⇒ List of all semesters
RODES: Robust Optimization for the Design of Energy Systems
Clean Circles - Iron as energy carrier in a carbon neutral circular energy economy
Globally Optimal Neural Network Training,
SPP 2298: Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning
Project A01: Global Methods for Stationary and Instationary Gastransport
Transregio/SFB 154: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization on the Example of Gas Networks
Project A007: Combinatorial network flow methods for instationary gas flows and gas market problems
Transregio/SFB 154: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization on the Example of Gas Networks
BMWi Project
MeFlexWärme: Methodenbaukasten Flexible Wärmenetze der Zukunft, Zustandsschätzung, Modellierung, Optimierung, Simulation
Projekt EXPRESS: Exploiting Structure in Compressed Sensing Using Side Constraints
SPP 1798: Compressed Sensing in Information Processing (CoSIP)
Project A9: Resilient Design
SFB 805: Control of Uncertainties in Load-Carrying Structures in Mechanical Engineering
Project A4: Mathematical Models and Methods for an Optimum Combination of Passive and Active Components
SFB 805: Control of Uncertainties in Load-Carrying Structures in Mechanical Engineering
Project A2: Mathematical models and algorithms for an automated product development of branched sheet metal products
SFB 666: Integral Sheet Metal Design with Higher Order Bifurcations
Project B1: Optimisation of Process Chains under Uncertainty
SFB 805: Control of Uncertainties in Load-Carrying Structures in Mechanical Engineering
SPEAR - Sparse Exact and Approximate Recovery
ForNe - Research cooperation network optimization, gas transport
Generating Certificates for the Infeasibility of technical Capacities
Nonconvex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming
DFG Research Center
, Project B19
Service Design in Public Transport
DFG Research Center
, Project B15 (associated)
Exact Integer Programming
DFG Priority Program 1307 "Algorithm Engineering"
Symmetries in Integer Programming
DFG Research Center
, Project B12
Infeasible Linear Inequality Systems
Discrete Morse Functions
Strategic Planning in Public Transport
DFG Research Center
, Project B1
Sparse representation of solutions of differential equations
DFG Research Center
, Projekt D18
Software and Data
SCIP Optimization Suite 9.2.0
- latest releases (11/2024):
SCIP 9.2.0
SoPlex 7.1.2
Zimpl 3.5.3
GCG 3.7.0
UG 1.0.0
SCIP-SDP 4.2.0
: Framework for mixed-integer SDPs with SCIP. Current state at
An update on SCIP
(BLOG of Sebastian Pokutta).
Presolving for Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Optimization
Handling Symmetries in Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Optimization
IPBoost - Non-Convex Boosting via Integer Programming
Instances for overlapping SOS1 Constraints
Symmetry Handling in MIPs
A Generic Optimization Framework for Resilient Systems
Data for
Ambiguities in DoA Estimation for Linear Arrays
Afternoon on Optimization
Frankfurt-Darmstadt Afternoon on Optimization
, June 24, 2022
Darmstadt Frankfurt Afternoon on Optimization
, July, 2019
Frankfurt-Darmstadt Afternoon on Optimization
, June 22, 2018
Darmstadt Frankfurt Afternoon on Optimization
, June 10, 2016
Frankfurt-Darmstadt Afternoon on Discrete Mathematics
, July 3, 2015
Selected Material
SCIP: Past, Present, Future
, presentation at the
SCIP 20 Workshop
on November 4, 2022.
Mastering Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering
, Springer, Cham, 2021
Evaluating Gas Network Capacities
, MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization, 2015
Winner of the
EURO Excellence in Practice Award 2016
for "Evaluating Gas Network Capacities"
Polyhedral Methods in Geometry and Optimization
International Congress on Mathematical Software - ICMS 2016
Web editor of the
Mathematical Optimization Society
GasLib - library of gas network instances
POLIP - library for polynomially constrained mixed-integer programming
The Maximum Feasible Subsystem Home page
Some Algorithmic Problems in Polytope Theory
Computational results for
Large Chambers in a Lattice Polygon
Morse matching example
SCIP Workshop
: October 8 + 9, 2012
Workshop: Dialog - Lebenswissenschaften und Mathematik in Braunschweig
January 22nd 2010 at TU Braunschweig (in German only).
IPCO XI, June 2005
TU Darmstadt
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updated: 11/2024