Note: all course names and linked pages are available in German only.
TU Darmstadt
Summer term 2024:
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
Statistik/Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (ETIT), Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (ETIT),
(Zusammen: Mathematik IV (ET)/Mathematik III (Inf))
Winter term 2023/24:
Optimization methods for machine learning
bachelor- and master seminar
Summer term 2023:
Winter term 2022/23:
Einführung in die Programmierung
Optimierung in Transport und Verkehr
Summer term 2022:
Discrete Optimization
Mathematik IV (ET)/Mathematik III (Inf)
Winter term 2021/22:
Einführung in die Optimierung
Optimization methods for machine learning
Summer term 2021:
Winter term 2020/21:
Optimierung in Transport und Verkehr
Bachelor and master seminar
Sommer term 2020:
Mathematik IV (ET)/Mathematik III (Inf)
Bachelor and master seminar
Winter term 2019/20:
Discrete Mathematics
Optimization methods for machine learning
Summer term 2019:
Linear Algebra II
Discrete Optimization
Winter term 2018/19:
Linear Algebra I
Bachelor and master seminar
Summer term 2018:
Discrete Optimization
Mathematik IV (ET)/Mathematik III (Inf)
Winter term 2017/18:
Discrete Mathematics
Introduction to Optimization
Bachelor- and master seminar
Summer term 2017:
Winter term 2016/17:
Discrete Mathematics
Optimization methods for machine learning
Bachelor- und Masterseminar
Summer term 2016:
Discrete Optimization
Mathematik IV (ET)/Mathematik III (Inf)
Winter term 2015/16:
Einführung in die Optimierung
Optimierung in Transport und Verkehr
Arbeitstechniken in der Mathematik
Bachelor- and master seminar
Summer term 2015:
Discrete Optimization
Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics
Bachelor- and master seminar
Winter term 2014/15:
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization (together with Prof. Ulbrich)
Discrete Mathematics
Bachelor- and master seminar
Summer term 2014:
Winter term 2013/14:
Summer term 2013:
Winter term 2012/13:
VL: Optimierung in Transport und Verkehr
Proseminar, deutsch und englisch
Summer term 2012:
TU Braunschweig
Winter term 2011/12:
Summer term 2011:
Winter term 2010/11:
Summer term 2010:
Winter term 2009/2010:
Summer Term 2009:
Winter Term 2008/2009:
TU Berlin
Lecture: Integer Programming in Public Transport
(TU Berlin, winter term 2006/07).
Together with Ralf Borndörfer und
Christian Liebchen
Lecture: Calculus II for Engineers
(TU Berlin, summer term 2006).
Lecture: Calculus I for Engineers
(TU Berlin, winter term 2005/06).
Seminar: Game
Theory in Telecommunications (TU Berlin, winter term 2005/06).
Together with Martin Grötschel,
Tobias Harks, and
Thomas Schlechte
- Lecture: Calculus I for Engineers
(TU Berlin, winter term 2004/05).
Foundations of Mathematical Finance (FU Berlin, summer term 2004,
together with Mark de Longueville)
Lecture: Linear Optimization
(FU Berlin, winter term 2003/04)
TU Berlin: TA for ...
Marc Pfetsch |
last updated: 04/2022 |