International Research Training Group 1529

Mathematical Fluid Dynamics

Lecture Series:

Peter Constantin, Princeton:

Yasunori Maekawa, Sendai:

László Székelyhidi, Leipzig:


PDE Problems of Hydrodynamic Origin

Analysis of Incompressible Flows
in Unbounded Domains

The h-Principle in Fluid Mechanics
and Onsager's Conjecture

Travel Information

General travel information

 How to reach the 'Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll'

 Dinner on Sunday at the Ev. Akademie Bad Boll will be served from 6.00 pm - 11.00 pm

Bus and train connections on the arrival

 Arrival on Sunday from Frankfurt

 Arrival on Sunday from Munich

Bus and train connections on the departure

 Departure on Thursday

 Departure on Friday