The current procedure
A typical Doktorandentreff has the following procedure: For the talks, we meet at 5pm in the Handbibliothek (hand library) of the logic department.
After that, we usually decide to go for some drinks / dinner. Anyone is welcome to join!
The original procedure
A typical Doktorandentreff had roughly the following procedure. We met at 6pm in front of the Mathebau. There we decided more or less democratically where to eat dinner. After that we went back to the Mathebau and had the actual presentation.
We are aware that this is an unusual order but think it is good this way as chitchat over a beer previous to the discussion relaxes the atmosphere. In the rare cases where no one had anything to talk about we sometimes parted after the meal.
From time to time we will have guest speakers. However, the talks are very different from regular Seminar talks: We encourage heavy interaction with the audience. Here is the guideline we use for the speakers: The content should be such that it can be presented in ten minutes. It should be such that the speaker thinks he will take at most thirty minutes until it is explained in detail and all of the participants have understood. It will usually take one and a half hour anyway.
A little history of the DOKTORANDENTREFF
The Doktorandentreff was originally an idea of Angeliki and there have been regular meetings since 2014. The orignial Participants were Angeliki, Florian, Daniel, Daniel and Julian. It was paused for half a year in 2015 when the founders decided to invest the time to organize the conference PhDs in Logic VIII instead. Here is a picture of the organizing committee of the conference which coincides with the regulars of the doktorandentreff at that point in time.
From left to right: Angeliki, Felix, Florian, Daniel, Julian.