Klaus Keimel
- A General Character Theory for Partially Ordered Sets and
Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. 122 (1972), 121 pages.
with K.H.Hofmann.) [Electronic
- Groupes et Anneaux Réticulés
Lecture Notes in
Mathematics, 608 (1977), Springer Verlag, xiv+334 pages.
(joint with A.Bigard and S.Wolfenstein.) [Electronic
- A Compendium of Continuous Lattices
Verlag, 1980, xx+371 pages.
(joint with G.Gierz, K.H.Hofmann, J.D.Lawson,
M.Mislove, and D.S.Scott.) [e-book]
- Ordered Cones and Approximation
Notes in Mathematics, 1517 (1992), Springer Verlag,
vi+134 pages.
(joint with W.Roth). [Electronic
- Continuous Lattices and Domains
Encyclopedia of
Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 93,
Cambridge University Press, 2003, xxxvi+591 pages.
(joint with G.Gierz,
K.H.Hofmann, J.D.Lawson, M.W.Mislove, and D.S.Scott.) [e-book]
- Semantic Domains for Combining Probability and
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
129 (2005), 104 pages.
The numbering system in the above has been screwed up completely,
so it has been republished with a corrected numbering:
222 (2009), 99 pages (joint with R. Tix and
G.D. Plotkin). [PDF]
Corrigendum for Lemma 4.29[PDF]
Book Chapter
- Continuous and Completely Distributive Lattices
Chapter I (pages 5--53) in:
G. Grätzer and F. Wehrung (Eds.)
Lattice Theory:
Special Topics and Applications, Vol. 1,
Birkhäuser, 2014 (joint with J. D. Lawson)
Articles in Journals and Refereed Proceedings:
- Fuseaux généralisés dans la
théorie des groupes ordonnés
C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série A, 262 (1966), pp. 993-995.
- Eine Exponentialfunktion für kompakte abelsche
Math. Zeitschrift 96 (1967),
pp. 7-25. [PDF]
- Lokal kompakte Kegelhalbgruppen und deren Einbettung in
topologische Vektorräume
Math. Zeitschrift,
99 (1967), pp. 405-428.
- Représentation d'anneaux réticulés dans des
C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série A, 266 (1968),
pp. 124-127.[Electronic
- Anneaux réticulés quasiréguliers et
C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série A,
226 (1968), pp. 524-525. [Electronic
- Demi-groupes partiellement ordonnés de deuxième et
troisième espèce
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei
44 (1968), pp. 21-33.
- Le centroide et le bicentroide de certains anneaux
C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série A,
267 (1968), pp. 589-591. [Electronic
- Sur les endomorphismes conservant les polaires d'un groupe
réticulé archimédien
Bull. Soc. Math. France
97 (1969), pp. 381-398, (joint with A. Bigard.)
- Darstellung von Halbgruppen und universellen Algebren durch
Schnitte in Garben; bireguläre Halbgruppen
Nachrichten 45 (1970), pp. 81-96. [Electronic access]
- Algèbres commutatives engendrées par leurs éléments
Canad. J. Math. 22 (1970),
pp. 1071-1078. [Electronic access]
- A unified theory of minimal prime ideals
Acta Math.
Acad. Sci. Hung. 23 (1972), pp. 51-69.
[Electronic access]
- A cross section theorem for compact abelian semigroups
Semigroup Forum 1 (1970), pp. 254-259. [Electronic access]
- Baer extensions of rings and Stone extensions of
Semigroup Forum 2 (1971),
pp. 55-63. [Electronic access]
- Congruence relations on cone semigroups
Semigroup Forum
3 (1971), pp. 130-147. [Electronic access]
- Radicals in lattice-ordered rings
Proceedings Coll.
Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 6. Rings, Modules, and Radicals 1971,
North-Holland, pp. 237-253.
- The representation of lattice-ordered groups and rings by
sections in sheaves
In: Lecture Notes on the Applications of
Sheaves to Ring Theory, Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
248 (1971), Springer Verlag, pp. 1-98. [
Electronic Access]
- Stone duality for varieties generated by quasi-primal
Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (1974),
pp. 59-85 (joint with H.Werner).
- Representations of lattice-ordered rings
Proc. Conf.
Lattice Theory, Houston (1974), pp. 277-293. [Electronic
access], [Entire
- A lemma on primes and its appearance in algebra and
Houston J. Math. 3 (1977),
pp. 207-224 (joint with G.Gierz). [Electronic Access]
- Stone Dualität für primitive Klassen, die von
quasi-primalen Algebren erzeugt werden
In Hans-J. Hoehnke
(ed.): Universelle Algebren und Theorie der Radikale. Akademie--Verlag
Berlin (1976), pp. 23--28 (joint with H. Werner).
- Topologische Darstellung von Verbänden
Zeitschrift 150 (1976), pp. 83-99 (joint with
G.Gierz). [PDF]
- Positive derivations on f-rings
J. Austral. Math.
Soc., ser. A 23 (1977), pp. 371-375, (joint with
P.Colville and G.Davis).
- Structure spaces and the center of vector lattices
Oxford Quarterly J. Math. 29 (1978),
pp. 415-426, (joint with H.O.Flösser and G.Gierz).
- The semilattices with distinguished endomorphisms which are
equationally compact
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 73 (1979),
pp. 7-10 (joint with S.Bulman-Fleming and I.Fleischer).[Electronic Access]
- Sheaf theoretical concepts in analysis: Bundles and sheaves
of Banach spaces, Banach C(X)-modules
In: Applications of
Sheaves, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 753 (1979),
Springer Verlag, 415-441 (joint with K.H.Hofmann).
Electronic Access]
- Verfeinerungs- und Kürzungssätze für direkte Produkte
geordneter topologischer Räume und Funktionen(halb)verbände
In: Continuous Lattices, Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
871 (1981), Springer Verlag, pp. 20-44 (joint with
H.Bauer and R.Köhler). [Electronic
- Continuous ideal completions and compactifications
pp. 97-124 (joint with Gierz). [Electronic
- Halbstetige Funktionen und stetige Verbände (in German)
In: Continuous Lattices and Related Topics,
Mathematik Arbeitspapiere, 27 (1982), Universität
Bremen, pp. 59-67 (joint with G.Gierz).
Remarks on pointwise infima of lower semicontinuous
functions, Notes added after 1984
- Integral representations of linear functionals on spaces of
Appendix in: G.Gierz: Bundles of
Topological Vector Spaces and their Duality, Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 955 (1982), Springer Verlag, pp. 260-283
(joint with G.Gierz).[
electronic access, look for backmatter]
- Kakutani property of the polytopes implies the Kakutani
property of the whole space
J. Math. Analysis Appl.
130 (1988), pp. 97-109, (joint with A. Wieczorek.)
- A Korovkin type approximation theorem for set-valued
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 104 (1988),
pp. 819-824, (joint with W.Roth). [Electronic Access ]
- A direct proof of the Hofmann-Mislove theorem
Amer. Math. Soc. 120 (1994), pp. 301-303 (joint with
J. Paseka). [Electronic Access ]
- Linear Types and Approximation (Extended Abstract)
Logic in Computer Science, 1994 IEEE Computer Society Press,
July 1994, pp. 110-114, (joint with M. Huth and A. Jung).
- Some Trends in lattice-ordered groups and rings
In: Lattice Theory and its Applications (K. A. Baker and R.
Wille, eds.), Heldermann Verlag 1995, pp. 131-161.
- The way-below relation of function spaces over semantic
Topology and its Applications 89 (1998),
pp. 61-74 (joint with Th. Erker and M.H. Escardo).
- Bi-continuous valuations
Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science 13 (1998), pp. 119-123.
- Compact continuous L-domains
Computers and
Mathematics with Applications 38 (1999), pp. 81-89
(joint with Liang Jihua).
- Linear types, approximation, and topology
Structures in Computer Science 10 (2000), pp. 719-746
(joint with M. Huth and A. Jung).
- Order environments of topological spaces
Mathematica Sinica 20 (2004), pp. 943-948
(joint with Liang Jihua).
- The probabilistic powerdomain for stably compact spaces
via compact ordered spaces
Electronic Notes in Theoretical
Computer Science 87 (2004), pp. 225--238.
- Valuations and measures on stably compact spaces
Theoretical Computer Science 328 (2004),
pp. 221--244, (joint with M. Alvarez Manilla and A. Jung).
- Measure extension theorems for T0-spaces
Topology and its Applications 149 (2005),
pp. 57--83, (joint with J.D. Lawson).
- Topological cones: Foundations for a domain theoretical
Semantics combining probability and nondeterminism
M. Escardo, A. Jung and M. Mislove (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st
Annual Conference on Mathematical
Foundations of Programming
Semantics (MFPS XXI), Birmingham, UK, 18-21 May 2005.
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 155 (2006),
pp. 423--443. [PDF]
- Projective topology on bifinite domains and applications
Theoretical Computer Science 365 (2006),
pp. 171--183 (joint with S. Abbes). [PDF]
- The extended probabilistic power domain monad over stably
compact spaces
in: J.-Y. Cai, S.B. Cooper, A. Li
(eds), Proceedings of TAMC06: Theory and
Applications of Models of Computation, Bejing 2006
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3959 (2006),
pp. 566--575 (joint with B. Cohen and M. Escardo).
- Topological Cones: Functional analysis in a
Semigroup Forum 77 (2008), pp. 108--142.
- The monad of probability measures over compact ordered spaces
and its Eilenberg-Moore algebras
Topology and its
Applications 156 (2008), pp. 227--239.
- Predicate transformers for extended probability and
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 19 (2009),
pp. 501--539 (joint with G. D. Plotkin).
- D-completions and the d-topology
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (2009), pp.
292--306 (joint with J.D.Lawson).
- A Minkowski type duality mediating between state and predicate
transformer semantics for a probabilistic nondeterministic language
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (2009),
pp. 307--317 (joint with A.Ph. Rosenbusch and
Th. Streicher).
- Abstract ordered compact convex sets and the algebras of the
(sub-)probabilistic powerdomain monad over ordered compact spaces
In Russian: Algebra i Logika 48 (2009), 580--605.
In English: Algebra and Logic 48 (2009), 330--343.
- Bicontinuous domains and some old problems in domain theory
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 257
(2009), 35--54.
- Relating direct and predicate transformer partial correctness
semantics for an imperative probabilistic-nondeterministic
Theoretical Computer Science 412 (2011),
2701--2713 (joint with A.Ph. Rosenbusch and
Th. Streicher).
- Extending algebraic operations to D-completions
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 249 (2009),
Extended version: Theoretical Computer Science
430 (2012), 73--87 (joint with J.D.Lawson).
- Choquet-Kendall-Matheron theorems for
non-Hausdorff spaces
Mathematical Structures in Computer
Science 21 (2011), 511--561 (joint with J. Goubault-Larrecq).
- Locally convex cones and the Schroeder-Simpson Theorem
Quaestiones Mathematicae 35 (2012), 353--390. [PDF]
- On the equivalence of state transformer semantics and predicate
transformer semantics
Proceedings of the Workshop
Informatics and Information Technologies in Education:
Theory, Practice, Didactics, Novosibirsk, vol. 1
(2012), 78--104.
- Imprecise probabilities, bets, and functional analytic methods
in Lukasiewicz logic
Forum Mathematicum 25(2) (2013), 405--441 (joint with
M. Fedel, F. Montagna and W. Roth). DOI 10.1515/FORM.2011.123
- Quasicontinuous domains and the Smyth powerdomain
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 298
(2013), 215--232 (joint with R. Heckmann)
- Observationally-induced algebras in Domain Theory
Logical Methods in Computer Science 10(3:18) (2014),
1--26 (joint with I. Battenfeld and Th. Streicher).
- Weakly Compact Spaces of Homomorphisms in Asymmetric
Topology and its Applications 185-186 (2015), 1--22.
- Weak upper topologies und duality of cones
Logical Methods in Computer Science 11(3:21) (2015), 1--14.
- Healthiness conditions for predicate transformers
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 319
(2015), 255--270.
- Mixed Powerdomains for Probability and Nondeterminism
Logical Methods in Computer Science 13(1:2) (2017),
1--84. (joint with G. D. Plotkin)
- The Cuntz semigroup and domain theory
Soft Computing 21(10) (2017), 2485-2502.
DOI 10.1007/s00500-017-2573-z
- Domain Theory, its Ramifications and Interactions
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (to appear).
- Halbgruppen mit Zwischenbedingung
(Semigroups with
betweenness relations)
Universität Tübingen (1964). Referees:
H. Kneser,
K.H. Hofmann.
[Einleitung, Bibliographie,
Kap. I, II],
[Kap. III.1, III.2],
[Kap. III.3, IV]
- Beiträge zur Theorie der kompakten abelschen
(Contributions to the theory of compact semigroups)
Doctoral Dissertation, Universität Tübingen (1967).
H.H. Schäfer, K.H. Hofmann.
Published as Articles number 2. and
3. above.
- Représentations de Groupes et d'Anneaux Réticulés
dans des Faisceaux
Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat,
Faculté des Sciences, Université Paris VI (1971).
M.-L. Dubreil-Jacotin
(président), J. Dixmier (rapporteur),
M.-P. Schützenberger (2e thèse).
Scanned from the original:
Frontpages and Introduction
Chapitre I. Eléments premiers d'un treillis
Chapitre II. L'espace de Stone-Cech-Isbell
Chapitre III. Représentation d'anneaux et de groupes
réticulés. Applications.
Bibliographie, Index, Table de Matièeres
Copied from the original: [PDF]
Published Seminar Contributions and unpublished Notes:
- Topologische Kennzeichnung der geordneten Menge der reellen
Seminarvortrag, Universität Tübingen, Dez. 1961,
3pp. [PDF]
- Demi-groupes compacts solénoidaux et cylindriques
(d'après Hofmann-Mostert),
Séminaire Dubreil--Pisot
(Algèbre et Théorie des Nombres). 19e année,
1965/66, no. 19, 10pp. [PDF]
- Un Théorème sur les demi-groupes compacts
Séminaire Dubreil-Pisot (Algèbre et
Théorie des Nombres). 23e année, 1969/70, DG4, 4pp.
- Stone duality for varieties generated by quasi-primal
Proc. Conf. Lattice Theory, Houston (1974),
pp. 452--454, (joint with H.Werner.)
- Conditions de Mal'cev et algèbres universelles
Séminaire Dubreil (Algèbre), 27
année (1973/74), Fasc. 2, Exposé 11, 5pp.
- Représentation des algèbres universelles par
des faisceaux,
Séminaire Dubreil (Algèbre), 27
année (1973/74), Fasc. 2, Exposé 12, 9pp.
- Topologische Darstellung von Verbänden,
Lattice Theory Conference, Ulm (1976), pp. 118-133, (joint with
- Remarks on pointwise infima of lower semicontinuous
draft [PDF]
- Valuations and Measures, (joint with R. Tix), preliminary
- Abstract Approximation Theory,
Encyclopedia of
Mathematics, Springer Verlag (joint with W. Roth)[PDF]
- Reasoning about programs combining probability and
nondeterminism in a probabilistic logic
over continuous state spaces
, (joint with Ying Mingsheng).
- Refinement calculus with probability or fuzziness,
with Ying Mingsheng and Chen Yixiang).
- Sheaf Representations of algebraic systems. A personal
historical account. (August 27, 2013) arXiv:1308.6249
Other Publications:
- Abstract approximation theory, in: M. Hazewinkel (ed.),
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement vol. I, Kluwer
Academic Publishers (1997), pp. 11--12 (joint with W. Roth).
- Book Review: S. Wolfenstein (ed.), Algebra and Order,
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Ordered Algebraic
Structures, Luminy-Marseille 1984, Heldermann-Verlag 1986 Order
5 (1988), pp. 319--321.
- Samuel Wolfenstein in memoriam, Order
5 (1988), pp. 105-106.
- Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe 4: Mathematik,
Tagungsdokumentation Bachelor und Master in Mathematik und
Naturwissenscahften, in Dokumentationen und Materialien Bd. 39, DAAD
und HRK (2000), pp. 287-293.
- Verstetigung internationaler Studiengänge: Vom
Pilotprojekt zur Einrichtung auf Dauer. In: Die internationale
Hochschule: Studium. Ein Handbuch für Politik und Praxis, Band 2,
W. Bertelsmann Verlag (2003), pp. 104-111.
- A mathematician's view of an Italian 15th century painting:
The Annunciation, with St. Emidius, by Carlo Crivelli (in
Jinkan Forum, Kyoto University 28 (2011),
pp. 54--59 (joint with K. H. Hofmann).
[PDF,go to p. 57]
- Besuch bei einem jungen Maler.
In der Wochenzeitschrift
Christ und Welt vom 9. Oktober 1956, Seite 13.