cp mfin21.pdf /www/homepages/herrmann ssh herrmann@gw2.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de

Fred Wehrung and the dragon

George Hutchinson's book on lattices of Submodules

Recent work of Vincent Duquenne

Mathematik fuer Neugierige: Ein alternativer Mathe-Vorkurs - von Jon Nedelmann

Classroom notes

Geometrie fuer Lehramt

Lineare Algebra fuer Physiker 2001

Modules and presentations

Einfuehrung in die Algebra SS 2010

Einfuehrung in die Algebra SS 2006


Annotated list of papers 2010 and earlier

Modular lattices: general

On the equational theory of finite modular lattices ,

On the word problem for the modular lattice with four free generators ,

On the equational theory of submodule lattices , Houston Confercence 1973

Modulare Verbaende von Laenge hoestens 6 , Houston Confercence 1973

Alan Day's work on modular and Arguesian lattices (23), AU 34 (1995)

Corrigendum: Gluings of modular lattices (30) ORDER 23 (2006)

Spatial modular lattices

A geometric description of modular lattices, 1. version, with Doug Pickering and Michael Roddy

A geometric description of modular lattices, 2. version (26), with Doug Pickering and Michael Roddy, AU 31 (1994)

On locally finite modular lattice varieties of finite height (9), with Anvar Nurakunov, ORDER 24 (2007)

On the number of join irreducivles and acyclicity in finite modular lattices (1), AU 64 (2010)

Arguesian lattices and permuting equivalence relations

Arguesian lattices: in Encycopedia of Math.

Arguesian lattices: in Encycopedia of Math.

Small Arguesian lattices (24) with Alan Day, Bjarni Jonsson, J.B.Nation and Doug Pickering, AU 31 (1994)

Erratum: On the contraction of vectorial lattice representations (28), ORDER 22 (2005)

On the undecidability of implications between embedded multivalued database dependencies (22), Inform. and Comp. 122 (1995)

Corrigendum: On the undecidability of implications between embedded multivalued database dependencies (22), Inform. and Comp. 204 (2006)

A review of some of Bjarni Jonsson's work on representation of Arguesian lattices (2012) to appear in AU

A characterization of subgroup lattices of finite abelian groups (12), (2005)

Errors in publication on primary lattices (2005)

On the coordinatization of primary arguesian lattices of low geometric dimension (12), (2012)

Erratum: On quadruples of normal subgroups

Complemented modular lattices and regular rings

Existence varieties of regular rings and complemented modular lattices (10), with Marina Semenova, J. Algebra 314 (2007)

Generators of existence varieties of regular rings and complemented modular lattices (2), with Marina Semenova, Cent. Eur.J. Math. 8 (2010)

On perpfert pairs for quadruples in complemented modular lattices and concepts of perfect elements (35) (6), AU 61 (2009)

Generators for complemented modular lattices and the von Neumann-Jonsson coordinatization theorems (4) AU 63 (2010)

Generators for complemented modular lattices and the von Neumann-Jonsson coordinatization theorems (4) AU 63 (2010)

Perspectivity in complemented modular lattices and regular ings

Modular Galois lattices and Orthogonal Geometry

Galois lattices (27) Note di Mat. e Fis., CERFIM, (1992)

Classification of subspaces (19), with Remo Moresi, Reto Scuppli, and Marcel Wild, In: Orthogonal Geometry in infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces, H.A.Keller, U.-M.Kuenzi, and M. Wild eds., Bayreuther Math. Schriften 55 (1998)

Complemented modular lattices with involution and orthogonal geometry (5), AU 61 (2009)

Modular ortholattices and anisotropic orthogonal geometries

Proatomic modular ortholattices: Representation and equational theory (18), with M.S.Roddy, Note di Mat. e Fis. CERFIM (1999)

A note on the equational theory of modular ortholattices (16), with M.S. Roddy, AU 44 (2000)

On n-distributive modular ortholattices (11). with Florence Micol and M.S.Roddy, AU 53 (2005)

A second note on the equational theory of modular ortholattices (16), with M.S. Roddy, AU 57 (2007)

On geometric representations of modular ortholattices, with M.S.Roddy, (2012)

On geometric representations of modular ortholattices, Introductory survey (2012)

On varieties of modular ortholattices which are generated by their finite-dimensional members with M.S.Roddy (2013)

*-regular rings, inner product spaces, and projection ortholattices

On the equational theory of projection lattices of finite von Neumann algebra factors (7), Conference in memory of Herbert Gross, Locarno 2009

On the equational theory of projection lattices of finite von Neumann algebra factors (3), JSL 75 (2010)

Talk on Jardafest, Praha 2010

Rings of quotients of finite AW*-algebras: Representation and algebraic approximation, with Marina Semenova, (Algebra i Logika 2014)

Rings of quotients of finite AW*-algebras: Representation and algebraic approximation, with Marina Semenova, (Algebra i Logika 2014)

Linear representations of regular rings and complemented modular lattices with involution , with Marina Semenova (2015)

Unit-regulartity and representability for semiartinian *-regular rings. Erratum ,

Direct finiteness of representable regular rings with involution. Erratum ,

Varieties of *-regular rings. Erratum ,

Modular quantum logic and complexity

Computational Complexity of Geometirc Quantum Logic, with Martin Ziegler, Oxford 2010

Computational Complexity of Quantum Satisfiablity, with Martin Ziegler, LICS 2011

Expressiveness and Computational Complexity of Geometric Quantum Logic, with Martin Ziegler, ArXive 2012

Satisfiability of cross product terms is complete for real nondeterministic polytime Blum-Shub-Smale machines, with Johanna Sokoli and Martin Ziegler, MCU 2013

Consistency problem, with Y. Tsukamoto, M. Ziegler IJAC 26 (2016)


On the size of Boolean combinations of subgroups of finite abelian groups (14), ORDER 17 (2001)


Problems on modular lattices

On forbidden minors of matroids representable in finite characteristic (25)

On Frankl's conjecture (13), with R.Langsdorf

Satisfiability problem (abstract)

Notes on the ``Third Life of Quantum Logic''

Useful links

St.K. Berberian's book on Baer *-rings,

Florence Micol: On representability of *-regular rings and modular ortholattices, Ph.D. Thesis 2003

Niklas Niemann: A short version of the Ph.D.thesis: On representability of $*$-regular rings in endomorphism rings of inner product spaces (2007)

Achim Blumensath's book on Model Theory, and much more

St.N. Burris's and H.P.Sankappanavar's book on Universal Algebra,

J.B. Nation's book on Lattice Theory,

Christian Herrmann
Last modified: Fri Apr 1 23:12:50 CEST 2022